În zilele de 5-6 iunie 2017, 30 de bibliotecari ai Bibliotecii Ştiinţifice USARB au participat la trainingul Limba Engleză pentru scopuri specifice (ESP) în cadrul Proiectului LNSS, Programul Erasmus+.
După mesajul de inaugurare a trainingului de către Nelly Amarfii-Railean, prorector pentru relaţii internaţionale USARB şi Elena Harconiţa, directoarea Bibliotecii Ştiinţifice, formatorii internaţionali Profesorul Gerard CULLEN și profesorul-trainer Swen RIDDEL de la Pyramida Group, Germania, au divizat participanţii în două grupuri: nivel avansat şi începători / intermediari în domeniul limbii engleze.
Primul grup a folosit abilităţile personale în procesul de prezentare a subdiviziunilor Bibliotecii, Profesorul Gerry CULLEN îmbinând descoperirea nivelului fiecărui angajat cu instituţia infodocumentară din Nordul Moldovei. Ulterior, audienţii au învățat cum să completeze CV-ul Europass în conformitate cu standardele europene, cum să scrie o scrisoare de motivație și cum să facă o prezentare de calitate. După ce s-au familiarizat cu subiectele de instruire, bibliotecarii au avut un feedback cu formatorul.
Alt grup a lucrat cu profesorul Swen RIDDLE, una din sarcinile propuse fiind de asemenea CV-ul Europass şi o serie de exerciții cu traduceri din suportul de cutrs LNSS Essential English Grammar for beginners/false beginners (a1-a2 cefr), teste din Headway online pentru dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare şi îmbunătățire a cunoştinţelor de limbă engleză.
La finele trainingului, bibliotecarii au primit Certificate de participare şi au exprimat gratitudinea pentru oportunităţile de care au beneficiat şi mai urmează să se bucure în procesul de derulare a Proiectului LNNS.
Spicuiri din Impresiile participanţilor:
Valentina Topalo, Chief librarian: The unforgettable Days for university librarians.
I participated at the Training on ESP organized by the Pyramid Group (Germany) for Balti university advanced librarians.The training was held by Dr. Gerard Cullen. The programme of the training was very busy. Dr. Gerard Cullen had to brief librarians during two days about how to make Europass CV according to the European standards, how to write a motivation letter and how to make a well and interesting Power Point presentation, including library's guiding and discussing on Erasmus + CBHE project website.
The training on ESP issues was a pleasant surprise and unique in the sense that the organizer impressed me not only by the excellent combination of the organization of the training, abundance of useful information ,but with the way the material was selected and presented (the selection of video material for reflecting the presentation issue in the library).
Another thing was improving of English language which will contribute to upgrading skills that are particularly important for my work environments, being combined a learning-by-doing approach. I wish the organizers success and all the best in their future activities.
Gabriela Cazacu, Head librarian
On 5th and 6th of June we had a very useful training “ERASMUS + Capacity Building in the Field of Higher education (CBHE) English for Specific Purposes Training”. It was a great opportunity for us to improve our English and to practice the speaking. We learned a lot of interesting things for example how to write a letter of motivation, how to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. These things are very useful for us and we hope that in the future we`ll have the possibility to have another trainings that help us to be in step with today`s demands.
Gherda Palii, librarian
The training course English for Specific Purposes for group of advanced speakers was held in the Romanian Cultural Center. Four librarians from this group had a lot of possibilities to communicate, ask questions and learn.
Professor Gerard Cullen was the trainer. I was very impressed with his style of teaching. It was an interactive one, he created an environment of learning through exploration, questioning, and peer-learning. He encouraged us to speak and to discuss. Mr. Cullen seemed very knowledgeable in his subject and drew upon real-life situations that he had been involved in when discussing Erasmus + CBHE project, both in answering individual questions, or contributing to one of the many group discussions.
This course has exceeded my expectations. It has been a pleasure taking it. It has been full of valuable information. I`ve really enjoyed the ,,practical experience" aspect of the course and certainly learned a great deal.I want to thank for giving me the opportunity to be able to take a course of this quality. I am sure the information that you have given me will be of great value to me and my activity.
Tatiana Pogrebneac, librarian
For two days I had a great opportunity to communicate in English with a competent trainer Gerard Cullen who knew about the work of a scientific library. For the first time, I drew up my English CV and a letter of motivation indicating the strengths, motivating my intentions to participate in some training for lifelong learning.
I also had a chance to watch a video lesson that provided me with information for writing and presenting a speech to the public. Of course, we were also engaged in such a speech that we all participated in.
It was a great practice with many emotions. I understand that for excellence in English, I have a lot to learn, the weakest point being the lack of experience of cursive and laconic speech.
I would like to thank the mentors and all the organizers for this project and this training, which has brought a great opportunity for professional training.